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River City CDC's Homeless programs assist individuals and families currently experiencing homelessness.

Eligible clients may receive emergency shelter, counseling from HUD-certified counselors, help locating a rental property, financial assistance in securing a rental property, and short-term ongoing assistance.  
For more information about our programs or to see if you are eligible, please contact one of our

ESG case workers at 252-331-2925.

Emergency Shelter

River City CDC provides emergency shelter to individuals and families through partnered motels.


Emergency shelter is not guaranteed, and will be based on participant eligibility, funding, motel room availability, and program enrollment availability.


Priority will be given to the elderly, individuals or families with medical issues, families with young children, and individuals or families experiencing domestics violence.

Rapid Rehousing

The rapid rehousing program provides short-term rental assistance and services.  The goals are to help people obtain housing quickly, increase self- sufficiency, and stay housed.


Resources and services provided are typically tailored to the needs of the person.


North Carolina 211

  • NC 211 is an information and referral service provided by United Way of North Carolina. Families and individuals in all 100 counties in North Carolina can call to obtain free and confidential information on health and human services within their community. Available in most languages, NC 211 is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.


North Carolina ePass

  • The ePASS is a way for individuals and families to apply for benefits and services in North Carolina.​​


North Carolina Department of Social Services Local Directory


Salvation Army of Elizabeth City

  • The Salvation Army may be able to assist with the following:

    • Food Pantry

    • Rent & Utilities

    • Emergency Assistance

    • Clothing/Household Item Vouchers


Food Bank of the Albemarle

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